Integer and floats

You can make the following operations with integer and floats (i.e. real mumbers)

Operation Result
+ Sum
- Substraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
// Integer division
** Exponentiation

Some simple examples are

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4 * 4

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Exercise 1.1

Compute the number of seconds since the day you were born

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Complex numbers

It is also posible to use complex numbers. Instead of using $i$ for $\sqrt{-1}$ python uses j.

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Some typical math operations

Very common mathematical operations, sucha as taking the logarithm, can only be used after importing the module math.

For instance:

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import math

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math.log(10) #natural logarithm

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math.log10(10) #base 10 logarith,

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math.sqrt(10) # square root

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math.exp(2) # exponential

Exercise 1.2

Compute the value for the golden ratio number $(1+\sqrt{5})/2$

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